Programming is the guidebook for a design project and details all of the project requirements which are to be addressed by the project design. At E&C we are big fans of programming and the clarity that it brings to project requirements and design goals.
While many Project Programming Documents clearly quantify project architectural goals and space requirements, E&C also sees a great value in having a MEP section in a programming document to clearly describe and quantify overall and individual space MEP requirements and serve as a clear guide for the MEP Engineer as they move through the design process. Savvy Owners will quickly see that having MEP systems included in their project program will assure that their building projects meet not only their architectural, aesthetic and space use requirements but also have appropriate MEP systems and provisions that meet their building use requirements.

For MEP Programming
E&C participates in Architect/Owner programming meeting to discuss and understand project MEP requirements which are documented in the MEP section of the Project Programming Document.